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Simple Regimen Controlling Rosacea


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The RRDi has been around for quite a while and we publish on our website for free what rosacea sufferers all over the world have said works to control their rosacea. A significant number of rosaceans say this simple method to control rosacea using this two step regimen does indeed work which is non prescription. We have added a third step for those of you considering using prescription treatment from a dermatologist. 

Will it work for you?  The only way to know is to try it. There is no rosacea treatment regimen that works for every rosacea sufferer, not one. We have dubbed this the Rosacea X-Factor. However, this is what we recommend you try and we hope you will reply in this thread your results. 

(1) Diet
First, keep in mind this recommendation is only for thirty days. After the thirty days, go back to eating whatever you want. What you are probably eating is mostly carbohydrate since the typical American diet is high carbohydrateCarbohydrate is simply different forms of sugar. There are absolutely no nutrients in carbohydrate, none. Carbohydrate is simply carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (absolutely no vitamins, minerals, or any nutrients). Sugar is the fire that inflames rosacea

For example, oats, brown rice, fruit, sweet potato have significant carbohydrate. It is extremely difficult to cut out all carbohydrate. But if you can reduce your carbohydrate to no more than 30 grams a day for 30 days to see if this improves your rosacea, then you will know. What will you learn?

Sugar/carbohydrate is a rosacea trigger

If you do see improvement within the thirty days, at the end of the thirty days go back to your oats, brown rice, fruit, sweet potato or whatever you are eating and see what happens. This simple diet just for thirty days will either work or it won't in improving your rosacea. Please read a list of anecdotal reports that this actually works.  

To help you understand how to figure out how many grams of carbohydrate you may be eating, just take a bowl of oats which contains 27 grams of carbohydrate in a half a cup. So if you decide to eat that half a cup of oats, you now only have 3 grams of carbohydrate to your 30 gram limit for the day. The only way you can do this is stick to broccoli since one cup (91 grams) of raw broccoli contains 6 grams of carbs. Kale is ok too, since one cup (67 grams) of raw kale contains 7 grams of carbs. You can have a lot of broccoli and kale in your day and still keep within the 30 gram limit. So anything that goes into your mouth that you digest, simply watch how many grams of carbohydrate and limit it to 30 grams a day. And watch how many carbohydrate is in anything you drink! Liquid or any food, 30 gram carbohydrate limit. Only for 30 days. 30 grams/30 days. Dr. Atkin's Carb Counter book helps you understand how to count carbs. 

So what do you eat? Protein and Fat, as much as you want, no limit. And remember, when someone or some authority says eating high protein/fat is bad, the reply is, 'this is just for thirty days.' Thirty days on a high protein/diet is not bad. No one can cite any clinical paper that eating high protein/fat for just thirty days is any health risk. Remember, just thirty days. No risk. And if you like meat, fish, and chicken it will be easier. If you are a vegan, it will be more difficult to find the protein/fat to eat but it can be done. The Rosacea Diet has a vegan 30 day diet. 

Remember, this is only for thirty days. At the end of the thirty days you can then eat whatever you want (sugar and carbohydrate), as much as you want and see what happens. Does your rosacea return when you eat high sugar/carbohydate? If so, you have learned something. Then you decide what to do about this. Not everyone chooses this course since it is so difficult. Why? Because sugar is addictive. Your choice. You obviously can keep eating whatever you want. This is just a recommendation, just like the following topical. 

(2) Topical
As for a topical, recommend the ZZ cream. Before you use, be sure to apply a dab of the ZZ cream on your inner wrist and see if your skin turns red? If so, you are allergic to the ZZ cream. Remember that if you use the ZZ cream it 
gets worse before it gets better.  It takes at least a month to see any improvement with the ZZ cream and three to four months for clearance. 'Getting worse before it gets better' is a common occurrence in medicine, not just in using the ZZ cream. 

(3) Rx Treatments


Gold Prescription Standard Treatment for Rosacea

More Information on Rx Treatments

These two simple treatments may work to control your rosacea if you reduce your sugar/carbohydrate to 30 grams a day for 30 days and use the ZZ cream as a topical. Third, if you opt for Rx treatments, watch the above video so you will have some questions for your dermtologist when you visit. 

It will take at least 30 days to see improvement with step one, and 90 to 120 days for clearance in step two. If you opt for step three is usually takes two to three MONTHS for clearance

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