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I received this email from Y. Aquino, NHIC who said they would review our web site to see if we are worthy of being mentioned in their database. I found them on a Google search and noticed the RRDi wasn't mentioned in the the database and filled out the online form to request the RRDi be included. We sure could use volunteers who would simply do Google searches and request that the RRDi be included in similar databases and web sites. The RRDi will exchange reciprocal links with non profit organizations with similiar interests. Reciprocal links would be reviewed by the board of directors for inclusion on our links page. Here is the email I received from the NHIC:

From: info@nhic.org

Subject: RE: ROSACEA

Date: February 8, 2007 7:16:05 AM HST

To: director@irosacea.org

Our site has an advisory committee and a formal review process. We will be happy to visit your site and evaluate it for inclusion in our database. For more information on our selection process, please visit -- http://www.healthfinder.gov/aboutus/selection.asp.

We appreciate your interest in healthfinder®.


Y. Aquino

Information Specialist


P.O. Box 1133

Washington, DC 20013-1133



healthfinder® and NHIC are services of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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I received this email from Y. Aquino, NHIC who said they would review our web site to see if we are worthy of being mentioned in their database. I found them on a Google search and noticed the RRDi wasn't mentioned in the the database and filled out the online form to request the RRDi be included. We sure could use volunteers who would simply do Google searches and request that the RRDi be included in similar databases and web sites. The RRDi will exchange reciprocal links with non profit organizations with similiar interests. Reciprocal links would be reviewed by the board of directors for inclusion on our links page. Here is the email I received from the NHIC:

From: info@nhic.org

Subject: RE: ROSACEA

Date: February 8, 2007 7:16:05 AM HST

To: director@irosacea.org

Our site has an advisory committee and a formal review process. We will be happy to visit your site and evaluate it for inclusion in our database. For more information on our selection process, please visit -- http://www.healthfinder.gov/aboutus/selection.asp.

We appreciate your interest in healthfinder®.


Y. Aquino

Information Specialist


P.O. Box 1133

Washington, DC 20013-1133



healthfinder® and NHIC are services of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

I'd be happy to do that.

Sherry Piszar

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