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RRDi Announcement


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  • Root Admin

The RRDi is pleased to announce we are sponsoring a second edition of the Journal of the Rosacea Research & Development  to be published later this year. We are accepting article submissions on the subject of rosacea from RRDi Members only. If you would like to submit your article for consideration to be published in the next edition follow these directions. (Members Only)

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  • Root Admin

Just an update on the previous announcement mentioned above, consider this Version 2. 

As the treasurer I have been trying to keep the RRDi non profit organization going with over a hundred videos and keeping the website going switching over to a subscription service (watch Rosacea Episodes S3:E1 and announcement) as well as sending out our latest newsletter to members (read the last newsletter dated 5/12/22).

Yesterday, I went to a family reunion with my siblings and in-laws and had a short discussion with my sister-in-law who happens to be an editor for a prestigious journal in the scientific world and she explained to me that calling our ‘magazine’ a ‘journal’ is what is the issue since the title ‘journal’ implies it is a scientific journal with peer reviews and since we don’t have the funds to accomplish this since we have no rich donors, nothing to sell, and our income is derived solely from affiliate links from our store and now subscriptions to our website, we should simply use our newsletter tool we purchase through Invision Community as the medium to provide not only pro bono articles from the RRDi MAC but also from our members who may want to publish an article on rosacea. So instead of any article you wish to submit for our newsletter please follow the instructions mentioned in our previous post if you are a subscribed member of the RRDi. From henceforth, the Newsletter of the RRDi will only be available to subscribed members and we will be asking for a donation from those who do not subscribe to read the newsletter. 

Then, if we can obtain the funds through donations we may be able to resume publishing the Journal of the Rosacea Research and Development Institute again properly with a peer review process. 

We will mention any featured posts from RRDi members who post in the category of their choice in our member forum with a link to your post. So login to your RRDi member account and post your thoughts on rosacea. It may be considered as worthy of mentioning in a blurb mentioned in the next edition of the Newsletter of the RRDi. 

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