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Long term management of distinct facial flushing and persistent erythema of rosacea by treatment with carvedilol.

J Dermatolog Treat. 2017 Jul 27;:1-16

Authors: Pietschke K, Schaller M

BACKGROUND: The treatment of persistent erythema and flushing episodes in patients with rosacea remains a clinical challenge. A possible therapeutic option could be given be the use of antihypertensive drugs.
OBJECTIVES: We therefore evaluated the effect of the non-selective β-blocker carvedilol in five caucasian patients.
METHODS: In a monocentric, retrospective case study the patients were treated with carvedilol titrated up to 12.5 mg twice a day over at least six months. Patients self assessment (PSA), Clinicians erythema assessment (CEA) and the patients levels of embarrassment and satisfaction were performed by questionaires.
RESULTS: The CEA grade description as well as the PSA grade description decreased remarkable in all five patients. Furthermore all patients reported to have a major improvement of their level of satisfaction and no feelings of embarrassment anymore.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate facial flushing and persistent erythema can be effectively treated by carvedilol long-term with a fast onset of improvement in a dose well tolerated.

PMID: 28748731 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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Facial Flushing and Erythema of Rosacea Improved by Carvedilol

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