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Dr Heng Solution to Rosacea & other skin inflammation conditions


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Hello, hope YOU are having a Wonderful day! Was watching Miranda Lynn Angel's video Brady posted and stumbled upon this one. I'm on the search for research on the Immune System and was surprised by the nuggets I found in this video posted by Lilou Mace's channel on YouTube. Brady do you think you can skype/video an interview with Dr Heng on Rosacea, diet, and anything else she has discovered about the body...immune system?https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_8266&feature=iv&src_vid=oYp9_WiDT6k&v=SHHsXeOyPto

I did search to see if Dr Heng or Lilou Mace was posted in the forums with no results so, I added some tags to this post. If this was already posted somewhere sorry.



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