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Timolol for the Treatment of Rosacea


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Johns Hopkins University is sponsoring a clinical trial of using Timolol for the Treatment of Acne and Rosacea which started in March 2016, with an Estimated Primary Completion Date of March 2019 and an Estimated Study Completion Date of March 2021.

Timolol eye drops or gel is usually used to treat increased pressure inside the eye such as in ocular hypertension and glaucoma while oral Timolol is used for high blood pressure, chest pain due to insufficient blood flow to the heart, to prevent further complications after a heart attack, and to prevent migraines. Wikipedia  Timolol is marketed under a number of brand names but is available in generic prescriptions. 

Anecdotal Reports
There are some anecdotal reports of using the gel on rosacea at RF which you may be interested in reviewing: 

Timoptol-LA 0.5% stops my cheeks flushing

Topical Timolol to erase Telangiectasia?

Search Timolol at RF - the results show Timolol highlighted in a number of threads which will take you a while to sort through. 

Clinical Papers Indicating Timolol May Improve Rosacea

For more information

Timoptol LA 0.25% and 0.5% wv Gel-Forming Eye Drops Solution is available in the UK


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