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Treatment for Brimonidine Rebound


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  • Root Admin


(1) Stop the brimonidine (Mirvaso) treatment and notify the physician who prescribed it since your physician may have some helpful treatment for you to consider. Sometimes physicians are helpful in situations like this.

(2) Life-on-Hold's post on How to Alleviate Mirvaso Rebound Flushing

(3) Raymond Peat, PhD, recommends "vitamins A, E, and K, aspirin, and caffeine might be helpful for the basic problem." Source

(4) "On suspicion of brimonidine rebound/contact dermatitis, the patient was asked to discontinue brimonidine and only apply a bland emollient. She was put on doxycycline 100 mg BD for 10 days. On follow-up, the plaques and papules had reduced, and erythema had improved. She was put on isotretinoin 10 mg once daily and given two sessions of intense pulse light at 15-day interval. After 2 months of isotretinoin, she was clear of all lesions and her flushing was very well controlled." [1]

(5) Might want to consider whether your 'rebound' might be an allergic reaction which means treating for atopic dermatitis or contact dermatitis (Eczema). Your physician may be in a better position to judge the difference than you are able to do this and may provide some helpful treatment.

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End Notes

[1] Indian Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
Year : 2017  |  Volume : 3  |  Issue : 2  |  Page : 94-96
Brimonidine “Rebound:” Worsening of rosacea following topical application of brimonidine gel
Sujata Mehta Ambalal

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