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Hello I've posted this in the sticky thread but thought I had better post it as a new thread aswell.

I would be happy to help you do some PR work. I've got a little bit of experience as I presently work in an environmental health department where we have to carry out health promotion intiatives that involve raisiing awareness of particular issues.

Let me know what you want.


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The current need in PR is we need someone to take on the responsibility of being the editor of the newsletter (no timetable on when it is published - you decide), getting the word out to the public that the RRDi is here using the brochure we are publishing, and getting more members.

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Hi Sarah

I have just posted, in what was a sticky thread, to explain that Adrian is no longer able to assist with the PR Commiittee. So, at this point in time, it's just you. I am more than happy to help where I can, once you have some ideas to run with. Hopefully more members may put there hand up to help too.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone

I'm ready to start working on the next newletter but I need to know what the expectations are with regards content. What is the newsletter designed to do?-update poeple on the work of the institute and/or update on rosacea advances, give information about treatments, q+a from consulatants, etc.

I have been learning about laying out newsletters and attaching photos and video's and think there are quite alot of possiblities.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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You have the ball in your court. Come up with a newsletter and we will send it out to the members. We need volunteers to increase membership and donations. Getting members to volunteer is what is needed.

Hi everyone

I'm ready to start working on the next newletter but I need to know what the expectations are with regards content. What is the newsletter designed to do?-update poeple on the work of the institute and/or update on rosacea advances, give information about treatments, q+a from consulatants, etc.

I have been learning about laying out newsletters and attaching photos and video's and think there are quite alot of possiblities.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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Great to have you onboard Matthew. Hopefully I haven't taken up too much of Sarah's time with her acceptance to be a Moderator of the Rosacea Forum.

Sarah, when you have some ideas, please do let us know. Oh, Matthew, maybe you have some ideas too that we can run with?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jenny,

I thought why not start at the top? start with a well known figure sympathetic to suffering, and with the resources available to assist us. I think we should draft a letter and get one of our American friends to send it to Oprah or approach one of her organisers.

A brief letter/presentation could be written to her explaining what Rosacea is, the burden that it inflicts on the sufferer (Physical burning and mental anguish) along with the fact it's estimated occurrence is 1 in 20 Americans1 and as of yet there is no cure or even a definite known cause!

Although Rosacea is not life threatening, I think it would be easy to convince her that it is still a debilitating disorder. This could be achieved with a small ‘day in the life of a rosacea sufferer’ type story, similar to that presented in the start of Dr Nase’s book.

We could detail the impact on the quality of life, i.e having to avoid things that normal people enjoy, like being out in the sun, alcohol, warm/humid environments, and then explain how this all makes us feel, and why excuses are even made to avoid these scenarios. Add to that the physical pain of an intense flush and the negative affects it has on a sufferers self esteem.

What do you think?


1) http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/1999/02_99/millikan.htm

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Go for it.

Hi Jenny,

I thought why not start at the top? start with a well known figure sympathetic to suffering, and with the resources available to assist us. I think we should draft a letter and get one of our American friends to send it to Oprah or approach one of her organisers.

A brief letter/presentation could be written to her explaining what Rosacea is, the burden that it inflicts on the sufferer (Physical burning and mental anguish) along with the fact it's estimated occurrence is 1 in 20 Americans1 and as of yet there is no cure or even a definite known cause!

Although Rosacea is not life threatening, I think it would be easy to convince her that it is still a debilitating disorder. This could be achieved with a small ‘day in the life of a rosacea sufferer’ type story, similar to that presented in the start of Dr Nase’s book.

We could detail the impact on the quality of life, i.e having to avoid things that normal people enjoy, like being out in the sun, alcohol, warm/humid environments, and then explain how this all makes us feel, and why excuses are even made to avoid these scenarios. Add to that the physical pain of an intense flush and the negative affects it has on a sufferers self esteem.

What do you think?


1) http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/1999/02_99/millikan.htm

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