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Rosacea in skin of color: A comprehensive review.

Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2020 Oct 27;:

Authors: Sarkar R, Podder I, Jagadeesan S

Rosacea is a relatively common inflammatory dermatosis in persons with fair skin. It is uncommonly reported in people with skin of color (darker skin tone; Fitzpatrick skin types IV, V or VI). Apart from reduced incidence, underreporting due to decreased awareness might also be a probable explanation. Rosacea commonly presents with telangiectasias and persistent facial erythema on the sun-exposed parts, which can be distressing to the patient and affect the quality of life. The diagnosis is made clinically, in the absence of any confirmatory investigation. Several treatment modalities have been employed to date with varying results. Light-based therapies should be used cautiously in the colored skin to avoid distressing pigmentation. This article focuses on the pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment recommendations and other aspects of this uncommon disorder along with a review of the literature.

PMID: 33109832 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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"Recent publications certify that the disease appears to be universal and does not just affect Caucasians."

An Bras Dermatol. 2020 Nov-Dec; 95(Suppl 1): 53–69.
Consensus on the therapeutic management of rosacea – Brazilian Society of Dermatology
Clivia Maria Moraes de Oliveira, Luiz Mauricio Costa Almeida, Renan Rangel Bonamigo, Carla Wanderley Gayoso de Lima, Ediléia Bagatinf

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"In fact, rosacea might be underreported and underdiagnosed in populations with skin of color because of the difficulty of discerning erythema and telangiectasia in dark skin. The susceptibility of persons with highly pigmented skin to dermatologic conditions like rosacea, whose triggers include sun exposure, is probably underestimated. Many people with skin of color who have rosacea might experience delayed diagnosis, leading to inappropriate or inadequate treatment; greater morbidity; and uncontrolled, progressive disease with disfiguring manifestations, including phymatous rosacea."

Global epidemiology and clinical spectrum of rosacea, highlighting skin of color: Review and clinical practice experience
Andrew F. Alexis MD, MPH, Valerie D. Callender MD, Hilary E. Baldwin MD, Seemal R. Desai MD, Marta I. Rendon MD, Susan C. Taylor MD 
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 80, Issue 6, June 2019, Pages 1722-1729.e7

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