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Rosacea: Beyond the visible


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Galderma has released a report, Rosacea: Beyond the visible, which is an "An open letter to doctors treating rosacea," answering seven questions proposed  about treating rosacea. Galderma sponsored a 'global survey of rosacea burden' of 710 rosaceans and 554 doctors which is used as data for the report with the stated goal of achieving total clearance (IGA 0). The report acknowledges, "Although we can’t yet promise ‘clear’ to all people, current treatments are now getting more people to ‘clear’, with combined therapy or even with monotherapy. By aiming for ‘clear’ (IGA 0) we can help free more people from their rosacea burden." One statement that explains rosacea best in the report is, "Ultimately, rosacea is a subjective and entirely individual experience." While we try to categorize rosacea into phenotypes and treatment protocols, there is no one treatment that works for everyone. 

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Hello Brady!

Greetings from Wuppertal Germany!

I have succeeded with God help and the CEO of my bank to land in Germany at the door of prof. dr. Percy Lehmann at Helios Clinic. Keep the fingers crossed for me.

Very interesting report. I have the feeling that for the very first time they got it that we are all unique and different and we need unique treatments.

Also I am so glad that they have realized how big the psyhological burden is for Rosaceans and how Rosacea can destroy your social life.

I cant wait for better days and a new life and the the same thing for all of us.

Keep in touch. Hugs.

PS: I am glad to be connected on LinkedIn with two of the authors of this report Dr. Anthony Bewley and Prof. Dr. Uwe Gieler




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