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Anonymity, Transparency and Posting


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You may have some thoughts on the subjects of anonymity, transparency and posting on the internet. This post is our explanation of how we understand these three subjects and if you have any thoughts on this, you are welcome to hit the REPLY TO THIS TOPIC button and add your thoughts. 


The RRDi is transparent when it comes to how we spend our donations with our financial page. We have the Guidestar Seal of Platinum Transparancy

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is second to none and we challenge anyone to find any loop holes or tell us how we can improve it. 

Private Member Forum 

We have implemented measures so that only members can view the member forum using the Invision Community platform which is the most secure and private rosacea forum on the internet.  If you use Sign in with Apple, you can hide your email address totally, the ultimate in privacy registration. 

Guests can create a cryptic display name and browse our website for free in areas open to guests. We have a guest forum that allows guests to post for free. 

Voting Members

Voting members are required to give us first and last name, address, phone number and an alternate email address. If you are concerned about your privacy when joining the RRDi as a voting member, you can rest assured our privacy policy is solid and we would never disclose your contact information with anyone without your permission. 

Anonymity vs Transparency

Where do you stand on this issue? If you haven't given this much thought you may want to read the article published on MashableTransparency vs. Anonymity: Where Do You Stand? [INFOGRAPHIC & POLL]. Of course, everyone wants both anonymity and transparency, however, as the Mashable article points out usually you favor one over the other, so there is a balance to consider. The RRDi tries to balance anonymity and transparency, so, depending on where you stand on this issue you have choices. 




One of the core principles of the RRDi is transparency, which can be seen reading our charter. The RRDi has received the Platinum seal rating from Guidestar on Transparency.  Not all non profit organizations for rosacea have this seal. For example, our charter states, "Sources of funding to the institute will be publicized including the name of the donor unless the donor requests anonymity. Expenses of the institute will be publicized down to the last cent, showing where all the spending went and for what purpose." Rule Number Two states, "To be a legal corporate member a name, mailing address, two email addresses, and a statement of whether the member is a rosacean or not a rosacean is required."  While the RRDi doesn't have the volunteer editorial staff to accomplish what Snopes offers, we are doing our best to imitate what Snopes does (Snopes' staff motive is they are paid which we wish we could pay our editorial staff as much money as Snopes offers their staff, but alas, we are all volunteers and simply don't have the funds to pay our staff).  

Over 1000 members agreed to these two rules when joining by registration which allows the individual as a legal non profit corporate voting member of the RRDi.  



Many are under the impression when joining the RRDi as a voting member that giving out their contact information is an intrusion on their privacy (which is far from the truth since our privacy policy is solid). Also, it appears that many rosaceans have moved on to social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or the like which seems to be less anonymous (frequently blog posters display their real name), and favors more transparency, so who can figure out why the yahoo groups and forum style posting (with cryptic [usually humorous] display names) are less used now in favor of transparent social media? Are you aware that when you join a private social media rosacea group that when you post any other member of the group can now view your profile? How private is that? Members of the RRDi can only view what you ALLOW to be viewed in your public profile. Only the RRDi staff can view your email address. 

Usually most rosaceans want anonymity (read below how you can hide your true identity when joining the RRDi in the subheading, CHANGE YOUR PROFILE, and learn how to Change Your Display Name to a cryptic display name), but at the same time want transparency with the non profit organization they join while totally remaining anonymous as a member. There is a fine balance between anonymity and transparency and the RRDi allows you to have both if you join as a member and has given this a great deal of thought.  We hope you agree this is how a non profit organization with members should have choices regarding their anonymity as well as having transparency when it comes to the organization they join. 



How You Can Remain Anonymous while Posting in the RRDi Member Forum?

Follow these directions

As mentioned above about Sign in with Apple, you can remain totally anonymous and completely private using your Apple ID when registering and hide behind a cryptic display name and also hide your email address totally.  

Change Your Profile

You can completely remain anonymous when you post in our member forum. You can change your display name to something cryptic or clever. Only the staff at the RRDi has your membership information. The RRDi will NEVER display or disclose to anyone your profile and contact information without your permission. Our Privacy Policy is solid. And if you join only with your email address, the staff has no idea who you are. Your email address is your only ID, so, how much more anonymous can you get? 

Change Your Display Name

The steps to change your display name are the following: 

1. Login to your member account by looking for Existing User? Sign in (Top Right Corner of your screen)

(if you are having issues logging in please contact us, giving your first and last name, your email address used when registering your account as a voting member and we will assist you in being able to login to your member account. If you registered only with your email address just contact us with your email address and we will be happy to assist )

2. Once logged in you will see your display name in the top right corner. Click on the toggle and select ACCOUNT SETTINGS. In the left column of the account settings page look for DISPLAY NAME. In the column to the right of display name type in the field box under CHANGE DISPLAY NAME (to the left of the field box it says NEW DISPLAY NAME) change to whatever new display name you want to remain anonymous. 

3. Click the SAVE button. Voila!  You are now anonymous. No one knows who you are. 

Hide Your Online Status

You may also want to hide your online status

Sign in with Apple

The ultimate privacy is using Sign in with Apple.

Private Tapatalk Member Forum

We have now sponsored a private Rosaceans Tapatalk member forum which you can join. For more information

Guests Allowed to Post 

We now allow guests to post here without registering. 

Reply to this Topic

There is a reply to this topic button somewhere on the device you are reading this post.   


We also now have a mobile app for your device. Why not join now since you have a better understanding of our privacy policy

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