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Anti-parasitic Prescription Agents For Rosacea


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Fictional parasitism: oil painting Parasites by Katrin Alvarez, 2011
image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

For a long time microorganisms of the skin microbiome have been suggested as a cause of rosacea. The list includes, bacteria, virus, and demodex mites. Further, there are some papers that suggest that the gut microbiome may be involved in rosacea. [Microorganisms of the Human Microbiome]

"Antiparasitics are a class of medications which are indicated for the treatment of parasitic diseases, such as those caused by helminths, amoeba, ectoparasites, parasitic fungi, and protozoa, among others." Wikipedia

"Broad-Spectrum antiparasitics, analogous to broad-spectrum antibiotics for bacteria, are antiparasitic drugs with efficacy in treating a wide range of parasitic infections caused by parasites from different classes." Wikipedia

Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal Cutaneous Infections are classified as part of the Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs)." Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) constitute approximately 20% of outpatient dermatology visits and are among the most common types of bacterial infection." [1]

Other prescription anti-parasitic drug therapies are Anticestodes, Antitrematodes, Antiamoebics, AntiFungals, and new drug therapies such as "triazolopyrimidines and their metal complexes have been looked at as an alternative drug to the existing commercial antimonials.' Wikipedia

Anti-Parasitic Treatments for Rosacea
Prescription Antinematodes include ivermectin.  

Prescription Antiprotozoals include metronidazole (also used for its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effects), artemisininartesunate, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, and mepacrine.

These treatments have not yet been mentioned to treat rosacea: 
ornidazole, secnidazole, and tinidazole.

Anticestodes for Rosacea
Anticestodes treatments used to treat rosacea include Benzyl benzoateCrotamitonPermethrin, and Praziquantel

Antiviral Treatments for Rosacea
Acylovir has been reported to be effective in the treatment of Pityriasis rosea, a type of skin rash and at least one anecdotal report improves rosacea. 

Coronavirus and Rosacea
There are anti-parasitic agents used in the treatment for rosacea that are also being investigated in treating coronavirus, i.e., chloroquinehydroxychloroquineivermectin, and metronidazole which we are adding TO THIS POST

AntiFungal Treatments (antimycotic medication) are listed under the same subheading on this post

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End Notes

[1] "Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the incidence of SSTIs presumably due to the aging population, increase in number of immunocompromised people, and the emergence of multi-resistant pathogens. Data from 2012 showed that the total cost of SSTIs in the USA alone was $13.8 billion, mostly due to hospitalizations. Clearly, cutaneous infections and their management are a significant health and financial burden and providers should be educated on the most recent developments in order to provide effective, evidence-based care for their patients."

Curr Dermatol Rep. 2020; 9(2): 152–165.
New Developments in Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal Cutaneous Infections
Samuel Yeroushalmi, Joshua Yoseph Shirazi, Adam Friedman

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