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ZOSSO, aka ZZ Cream

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Please post your experience with the ZZ cream in this thread. Zinc Oxide Sulfur Sublimate Ointment (ZOSSO), aka Z Cream, ZZ Cream, Zhongzhou Cream

Zhongzhou-ointment-new-packaging.jpg.133ZZ_seal_of_approval.pngWin a jar of the ZZ Cream!

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  • Root Admin

I have been using the ZZ cream for years. I stopped for a while to try Soolantra which I reviewed here. However, I have returned using the ZZ cream for about three weeks now and my face is doing much better using the ZZ cream which is my favorite treatment for rosacea along with my Rosacea Diet. So I thought I would post today my photos for your review. I haven't found anything as good as the ZZ cream to treat my rosacea/SD. Demodex Solutions is one of our affiliate sponsors

Photo on 8-4-17 at 9.38 AM.jpg

Photo on 8-4-17 at 9.39 AM.jpg

Photo on 8-4-17 at 9.39 AM #2.jpg

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  • Root Admin

Besides still taking the Lutein/Zeazanthin treatment, I use the ZZ cream about four or five nights a week on some red spots, however, in addition, before I do apply the ZZ cream,  I have been applying a small amount (half teaspoon) of 3% hydrogen peroxide from Walmart (97 cents a bottle) to some red spots and let this dry before applying the ZZ cream. I have noticed when applying the 3% hydrogen peroxide it doesn't sting but after it dries and deeply penetrates the skin I get some stinging which is odd to me but indicates it is finding something down deeper in my skin to work on. The results have been good so I am updating my photos below today: 

Photo on 10-17-18 at 9.53 AM.jpgPhoto on 10-17-18 at 9.55 AM #2.jpgPhoto on 10-17-18 at 9.56 AM #2.jpg

I have stopped using the Hydrogen Peroxide solution after about a month. 

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  • Root Admin


There is a new cosmetic version of the ZZ cream now available on Amazon which is priced at $39 with free shipping until November 16, 2019. After this date the price goes up to $49. To learn more about this and what the difference is between the cosmetic ZZ cream and the original ZZ click here

I haven't used the ZZ cream for probably around nine months. I tried the horse paste because there were so many who raved about the success they were having with it and I must say, it is just as good or better than Soolantra. I just received a new shipment of the Cosmetic ZZ cream and must say this is an improved version and works much better and I have always preferred using the original ZZ cream over any other topical treatment for rosacea. Within a week my red spots have cleared up. I highly recommend you try a three month supply of the Cosmetic ZZ cream or at the very least one jar to see if your rosacea improves. If it does, you have demodectic rosacea

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  • Root Admin

Walter Freyne, the owner of Demodex Solutions, has assisted me in comparing the Original ZZ cream ingredients with the cosmetic version and has approved this comparison which is now published through the RRDi. While I love the original ZZ cream, I think the cosmetic version is better because it dissolves better and feels creamer or softer. 

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On 1/27/2020 at 5:27 PM, Admin said:

Walter Freyne, the owner of Demodex Solutions, has assisted me in comparing the Original ZZ cream ingredients with the cosmetic version and has approved this comparison which is now published through the RRDi. While I love the original ZZ cream, I think the cosmetic version is better because it dissolves better and feels creamer or softer. 

Hello Brady, this is my first post but I've been reading your posts for over a month.

I have suffered from rosacea or adult acne for about one year and after trying all of the dermatologists ideas (doxy, minocycline, azithromycin, bactrim, as well as soolantra, metro gel and retina), I stumbled onto this forum and saw that you suggested the ZZ cream. I went online and purchased.

After using for a couple days, everything seems to be getting worse. I read this might be what happens, but I was disappointed today to see several new blemishes and very dry skin. I have some questions I'm hoping someone with more experience might be able to help answer.

I think what I'm really looking for is the complete regimen for using ZZ cream? From which soap, to which moisturizer, to which sunscreen .... I'm really lost on how to proceed. 

Is it OK to use an acarid soap with ZZ cream or is that too much sulfur? I did both for a couple days but my skin is now extremely dry so I've gone back to my original Cetaphil soap.

I'm just really struggling to find any relief. I had some success with my first IPL treatment, but my second (v-beam) and third didn't work so well. I had great success for a couple weeks with bactrim, but it gave me a terrible rash.

I'm not 100 percent positive it's demodex, but that's my hunch as i often have itchy feeling. My doctor really isn't helping me get to the root cause of the issue. He's all out of antibiotics and doesn't seem to have any other solutions. I'm hopeful the ZZ cream can work, but the dryness is extremely difficult to hide.

Any recommendations on regimen for using ZZ cream would be helpful. Thank you. 

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  • Root Admin
On 1/29/2020 at 7:52 PM, BlackMamba24 said:

Hello Brady, this is my first post but I've been reading your posts for over a month.

I have suffered from rosacea or adult acne for about one year and after trying all of the dermatologists ideas (doxy, minocycline, azithromycin, bactrim, as well as soolantra, metro gel and retina), I stumbled onto this forum and saw that you suggested the ZZ cream. I went online and purchased.

After using for a couple days, everything seems to be getting worse. I read this might be what happens, but I was disappointed today to see several new blemishes and very dry skin. I have some questions I'm hoping someone with more experience might be able to help answer.

I think what I'm really looking for is the complete regimen for using ZZ cream? From which soap, to which moisturizer, to which sunscreen .... I'm really lost on how to proceed. 

Is it OK to use an acarid soap with ZZ cream or is that too much sulfur? I did both for a couple days but my skin is now extremely dry so I've gone back to my original Cetaphil soap.

I'm just really struggling to find any relief. I had some success with my first IPL treatment, but my second (v-beam) and third didn't work so well. I had great success for a couple weeks with bactrim, but it gave me a terrible rash.

I'm not 100 percent positive it's demodex, but that's my hunch as i often have itchy feeling. My doctor really isn't helping me get to the root cause of the issue. He's all out of antibiotics and doesn't seem to have any other solutions. I'm hopeful the ZZ cream can work, but the dryness is extremely difficult to hide.

Any recommendations on regimen for using ZZ cream would be helpful. Thank you. 

Yes, if you are suffering from demodectic rosacea, IT GETS WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER. A significant number of rosaceans who use the ZZ cream complain of dry skin and, of course, the ZZ cream contains sublimed sulfur which dries the skin even more. You may want to try this regimen: 

(1) Just before bed, wash face with acarid soap and rinse with lots of water. 

(2) Apply the ZZ cream on face especially the red areas and pimples. Let it dry before you lay your face on a pillow. Be careful when applying around your eyes, and if you do get near your eyes, close your eyes and then go to bed asap. ZZ cream causes tearing of the eyes. 

(3) In AM, wash the ZZ cream off with just water. Then apply your favorite moisturizer. Many have recommended rose hip oil or shea butter or whatever your favorite moisturizer. 

Repeat steps 1 thru 3 each day. 

Also, avoid eating sugar/carbohydrate for just thirty days. Try to reduce your intake to less than 30 grams of carbohydrate a day. You should notice improvement in your skin. Drink lots of water. If you want a free copy of my Rosacea Diet use the contact form and request a copy. Also you may want to think about taking oral and topical probiotics to help your gut. While demodectic rosacea is a valid rosacea variant, also GUT Rosacea is a variant. 

You may want to start your own post on your experience in this same category in our forum, or create your own blog or club. I will be one of your followers. 

Questions, what phenotype do you have? Which ZZ cream did you purchase, Original or Cosmetic



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On 1/30/2020 at 5:43 PM, Admin said:

Yes, if you are suffering from demodectic rosacea, IT GETS WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER. A significant number of rosaceans who use the ZZ cream complain of dry skin and, of course, the ZZ cream contains sublimed sulfur which dries the skin even more. You may want to try this regimen: 

(1) Just before bed, wash face with acarid soap and rinse with lots of water. 

(2) Apply the ZZ cream on face especially the red areas and pimples. Let it dry before you lay your face on a pillow. Be careful when applying around your eyes, and if you do get near your eyes, close your eyes and then go to bed asap. ZZ cream causes tearing of the eyes. 

(3) In AM, wash the ZZ cream off with just water. Then apply your favorite moisturizer. Many have recommended rose hip oil or shea butter or whatever your favorite moisturizer. 

Repeat steps 1 thru 3 each day. 

Also, avoid eating sugar/carbohydrate for just thirty days. Try to reduce your intake to less than 30 grams of carbohydrate a day. You should notice improvement in your skin. Drink lots of water. If you want a free copy of my Rosacea Diet use the contact form and request a copy. Also you may want to think about taking oral and topical probiotics to help your gut. While demodectic rosacea is a valid rosacea variant, also GUT Rosacea is a variant. 

You may want to start your own post on your experience in this same category in our forum, or create your own blog or club. I will be one of your followers. 

Questions, what phenotype do you have? Which ZZ cream did you purchase, Original or Cosmetic



Thanks for the response. This is very helpful. I've been doing as you directed with the routine the last two days and it's been OK. One new small blemish but other blemishes seem to be clearing a bit, so I'm optimistic the ZZ cream will make a difference. I do like the way it feels when it's on - like I can tell something is actually happening in my skin!

Additionally I did purchase Andalou Naturals Face Cream with Probiotic C Renewal. I've read it can be very good for this type of skin and it was on the list of topical probiotics. I'm going to test it tomorrow morning after I rinse. Any experience with this cream?

To answer your questions, I believe I am phenotype 4. It's mostly just the acne at this point. My dermatologist says other people have it much worse, but my case is extremely stubborn and other treatments that have worked for his other patients aren't doing the trick for me yet. The worst part is it can flare at anytime and when it does, it impacts my confidence especially at work.

I purchased the original ZZ cream. I'm wondering how long the little jar will last. It looks like it's not available on Amazon right now, so I guess I will need to make it last. Is it going to be that hard to re-purchase?

Thanks for the other tips on the diet. I'm reluctant to give up the carbs at that rate, but we'll see how this progresses. I've already cutback a great deal on the sweets and dairy, but haven't gone completely cold. This may be my next move and I think I will request a copy of the diet. 

I'll definitely stay engaged on the forum. ZZ cream has given me some new hope. I have a dermatoligist appointment in a couple weeks and will see what he thinks about the ZZ cream and if I should continue with the doxycycline. I did have a couple other questions:

Do you have an acarid soap you recommend?

Do you recommend taking Lutein or any other OTC vitamins?

Do you take a probiotic for your gut?

Thanks again for your help!

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  • Root Admin
On 2/1/2020 at 10:25 PM, BlackMamba24 said:

Thanks for the response. This is very helpful. I've been doing as you directed with the routine the last two days and it's been OK. One new small blemish but other blemishes seem to be clearing a bit, so I'm optimistic the ZZ cream will make a difference. I do like the way it feels when it's on - like I can tell something is actually happening in my skin!

Additionally I did purchase Andalou Naturals Face Cream with Probiotic C Renewal. I've read it can be very good for this type of skin and it was on the list of topical probiotics. I'm going to test it tomorrow morning after I rinse. Any experience with this cream?

To answer your questions, I believe I am phenotype 4. It's mostly just the acne at this point. My dermatologist says other people have it much worse, but my case is extremely stubborn and other treatments that have worked for his other patients aren't doing the trick for me yet. The worst part is it can flare at anytime and when it does, it impacts my confidence especially at work.

I purchased the original ZZ cream. I'm wondering how long the little jar will last. It looks like it's not available on Amazon right now, so I guess I will need to make it last. Is it going to be that hard to re-purchase?

Thanks for the other tips on the diet. I'm reluctant to give up the carbs at that rate, but we'll see how this progresses. I've already cutback a great deal on the sweets and dairy, but haven't gone completely cold. This may be my next move and I think I will request a copy of the diet. 

I'll definitely stay engaged on the forum. ZZ cream has given me some new hope. I have a dermatoligist appointment in a couple weeks and will see what he thinks about the ZZ cream and if I should continue with the doxycycline. I did have a couple other questions:

Do you have an acarid soap you recommend?

Do you recommend taking Lutein or any other OTC vitamins?

Do you take a probiotic for your gut?

Thanks again for your help!

You can still purchase the ZZ cream from Demodex Solutions by clicking here. I will send you a copy of the Rosacea Diet. Unless your dermatologist is open minded I doubt if he will have anything good to say about the ZZ cream. The Acarid Soap from Demodex Solutions is good. I take this Lutein every day. I also take a cheap probiotic twice a day.  I used to purchase the expensive one but I can't afford it anymore. I also take a huge handful of vitamins and supplements every day, so just read what I list in the Rosacea Diet book. Also read this post about nutritional deficiencies in rosaceans. I also take ElaineA's salt/borax bath just about every day. Keep us posted on your progress. 

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  • MAC Member


I had amazing success with ZZ cream and I urge you to keep going. I documented my pics and journey on rosacegroup.org and my name is "redvelvet." I did also do a lot with gut cleanses prior to starting ZZ, and I cut out sugar entirely. I still eat bread though!!! Now I take the following supplements daily: magnesium, B2 and a spleen support product. I also have a lot of pictures that I took weekly during the treatment and they are all posted on my website/blog "rosaceahelp.org". I am so grateful for what I learned on this forum and rosaceagroup. I believe i'd still be walking around with rosacea if it weren't for the amazing stories I read here. Good luck!

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On 2/2/2020 at 3:51 AM, Admin said:

You can still purchase the ZZ cream from Demodex Solutions by clicking here. I will send you a copy of the Rosacea Diet. Unless your dermatologist is open minded I doubt if he will have anything good to say about the ZZ cream. The Acarid Soap from Demodex Solutions is good. I take this Lutein every day. I also take a cheap probiotic twice a day. I used to purchase the expensive one but I can't afford it anymore. I also take a huge handful of vitamins and supplements every day, so just read what I list in the Rosacea Diet book. Also read this post about nutritional deficiencies in rosaceans. Keep us posted on your progress. 

Hi Brady, I wanted to check back in with an update. I have to tell you, things have improved over the last week. I credit the improvement to ZZ Cream. It's really starting to make a significant difference and I'm grateful to you as this is where I learned about it.

I started with ZZ Cream (the gold original bottle) in late January that I ordered on Amazon UK. It wasn't immediately successful. In fact, there were some very depressing days.

In mid-February, I had a dermatolgist appointment. You were right, my doctor wasn't overly supportive, however, he is kind and he understood why I was searching forums and ordering things from China. He recommended at that appointment that I take his advice and start using Accutane (he had already recommended this course). This was not what I wanted, but in mid-February my skin was not good, despite having used ZZ Cream for about three weeks. I strongly considered stopping the ZZ Cream and starting Accutane.

I decided to give it another week to finish the first bottle. I was really at a crossroads - planning which day I was going to get bloodwork to start the Accutane. The first bottle lasted me about one month and nothing really changed. My doctor said he thought using Accutane, which is highly regulated by the FDA, might actually be safer than ZZ cream, which comes from out of the country without regulations. It was a fair point and since it wasn't working, I nearly stopped.

But on Feb. 24, one week after my appointment, I received a second order of ZZ Cream that I had ordered in early February when I was worried the first little bottle wouldn't last. That order was made on eBay. The weekend before the 24th, I was contemplating when I would get my bloodwork. After some sleepless nights, I decided that since I had already bought the second ZZ cream, I would keep going. I had read on a different forum that it can take as long as one year to fully work, so I figured Accutane would be there if this second bottle didn't work.

Anyway, long story short, the second black bottle seemed to make an immediate difference. I noticed last weekend (about six days after starting bottle No. 2) things had improved. I woke up today (12 days after starting the second bottle) and my skin looked better than it had since I used Bactrim back in November! Like my pre-Rosacea days almost! 

I did notice tonight I have a little bump in between my eyebrows, which is a place I never use the ZZ cream. But my skin is so much better. I just wanted to share how it's going and thank you. I know it's long way from over and I have to just keep using the cream. I've already ordered a third bottle. I was a little concerned that with coronavirus they might not allow shipments, or something might be off with the production. But fingers crossed this good fortune will continue and my next shipment will arrive!

I will say, I cut back on sugar dramatically, and tried to minimize carbohydrates as much as possible, especially later in the day. But I never fully cut sugar and went to 30g of carbs. Hoping I won't have to go that route as that is extremely difficult, but all options still under consideration as I battle this ugly disease!

Thanks again for your wisdom. I do appreciate what I learned on the forum.

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